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Introducing Amorphic, The Data & Analytics Platform for AWS


About 'How-to'

  • The Amorphic How-to tutorials are designed to provide you with a step-by-step functional usability introduction to the Amorphic self-service user experience.
  • This is not full-fledged documentation of Amorphic. If you want to go through the user documentation, click here

Amorphic Platform Architecture


Key features of Amorphic

Amorphic simplifies data and analytics for IT and data teams by orchestrating and automating analytic pipelines & workflows across more than 40 AWS data and analytics services, infrastructure, and tools.

- Self-service analytics for AWS AI/ML, Big Data, and Data Warehouse
- 100% serverless. Zero infrastructure to manage.
- Get the data into Amorphic from multiple sources - Databases, external files, external APIs, S3, and streams.
- Global metadata catalog that enables governance and compliance.
- Store all your data (structured, unstructured, and semi-structured) and process all your data — unlimited size and processing capability.
- Drag and drop ETL tools and workflows. Easy to create ETL, Textract, Translate, Comprehend, and Medical Comprehend workflows.
- Search and navigate across all the Amorphic resources.
- Easy to use AI/ML tools without any prior machine learning knowledge. Apply AI/ML (ML Model or Entity Recognizer) directly on files (structured or unstructured) and view AI/ML results.
- Querying made simple.
- Inbuilt dashboards.
- Self-management of resources of Amorphic.
- High security and yet easy to share resources across multiple users.
- An intuitive UI to simplify all processes.

Key benefits of Amorphic

- Increased productivity for all data and analytic users.
- Reduced complexity from AWS infrastructure, tools & services.
- Faster collaboration from governed data, dashboards, and notebooks.
- Massive cost and time savings from operations and AWS spend.
- Faster innovation in person-days, not person-years.
- No need to ramp-up or upskill existing resources.
Simply put...

If AWS is a lake, Amorphic is a lake-to-tap solution.