Create output dataset for forecasting
- Follow the steps mentioned below.
- Total time taken for this task: 5 Minutes.
- Pre-requisites: Create Spark Job or Create Morph Job in ETL section.
Create retail_item_per_store_forecast_userid Dataset
- Click on 'DATASETS' --> 'Datasets' from left navigation-bar.
- Click on ➕ icon at the top right corner.
- Enter the following information
"Dataset Name": "retail_item_per_store_forecast_<your_userid>"
"Description": "Output dataset for sales forecasted data. The target location is Redshift."
"Domain": "Workshop(workshop)"
"Data Classifications":
"Keywords": "Retail"
"Connection Type": "API (default)"
"File Type": "csv"
"Target Location": "Redshift"
"Update Method": "Append"
"My Data Files Have Headers": "Yes"
"Custom Delimiter": ","
"Enable Malware Detection": "No"
"Enable Data Profiling": "No"
- Click on 'Register' button at the bottom to move to the next step.
- Click on the following CSV file to download it to your computer.
- Click on 'Click to upload' to upload the file that is downloaded in above step.
- Click on 'Extract Schema' as shown below.
- You will get a message 'File uploaded successfully'. Click OK.
- A new screen will appear with the schema extracted as shown below.
- Verify the columns and data types.
- Change the 'Sort Key Type' to None.
- Click on 'Publish Dataset'. You will get 'Completed the registration process successfully' message. Click OK.
You are now ready to create a forecasting job. Proceed to 'Setup Forecasting Job' task.